Jeremiah 31:3 – The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” (NIV)
Looking out the window first thing this morning, I see that it is snowing again. I can almost hear the moans and groans of the commuters.
Normally, I would be moaning and groaning right along with them at the thought of more shovelling. But this time, my mind went in a surprisingly different direction.
The gently falling flakes brought to mind the innumerable blessings that God pours out on us every day. Sometimes, they come like a quiet whisper, and we fail to notice them until after the fact.
For example, in February, many of us were blessed with lovely valentine cards sent to us by those who care about us. I wonder how many of us thought about the fact that God sends us valentines in the form of innumerable blessings, not just on one specific day of the year, but every day, reminding us again and again how much He loves us.
Unfortunately, we all too often take this love for granted and come to accept it as a sort of entitlement, never thinking to say, “Thank You!”
May I suggest that the next time you wake up and see softly falling snow, take the opportunity to thank Him for His countless blessings, instead of moaning and groaning? I guarantee you that you will be blessed and will start the day in a much better frame of mind. I know that I did.
If we began to write down our blessings the moment we woke up, I wonder when we would finish writing. I leave you with a challenge. When you have a few spare hours, see how many pages of blessings you can accumulate. You will be astonished at what the Lord has done.
Prayer: Forgive us, Lord, for our lack of awareness, for taking so many of Your blessings for granted, and for wasting our energy complaining instead of thanking You. Help us to count our blessings, to name them one by one, and to give You praise for what You have done, what You are doing, and what we know You will yet do in our lives. This we pray in Jesus’ matchless and powerful name. Amen.
Sharon Greer Sandycove Acres, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada
Thanks to PresbyCan Daily Devotional