Eeyores*** or Tiggers*

by | Apr 11, 2020 | New Life

Acts 4:29-32:- But Peter and the apostles answered, We must obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree. God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Saviour, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.” (ESV)

As I left the house today Caroline, my wife, said to me: “I prefer you as Tigger rather than as an Eeyore.” (Eeyore’s character was renowned for negativity and Tigger’s for zestful enthusiasm!) Maybe it was the lovely sunny weather, or just being aware of God’s truth in my life, who knows? What she said touched me.

For years, I have been preoccupied about tomorrow, what it may bring and its consequences for my family and me. Now I find that what influence I have on them has now waned somewhat and, even as I have entrusted and given them into God’s care, who they are is already decided upon.

Today I understand that I have changed too. As I was, I am no longer, because along The Way I have found answers to prayer as well as insight and understanding into my daily walk with God: all that I need to know that is. I still pray and ask questions! I found that I am no longer able to hold every thought and every situation captive to my will. Worse still, I have found that I never needed to have done so in the first place! All that wasted energy. I have come to realise that God, through any and every situation does love and care for me, and will continue to love and care for me: if I let Him, even through death itself!

The disciples made choices too. Compared to this world’s treasures, they had nothing, except persecution and beatings. I believe they were content because they knew they had treasures in heaven. They knew that they were loved and accepted in God’s love through Jesus. They had let go of what they had been holding on to in the past because Jesus came to live with them via the Holy Spirit. They had become Tiggers from being Eeyores – irrepressible!

PRAYER: LORD, I thank You that unlike Tigger, I am not the only one, that I am no longer on my own to fight the world. I rejoice that as I seek Your Way and Your Truth, You bring Light into my darkness and Life into my being. Amen.

*** Original characters from: Milne, A.A. & Illust.: Ernest Shepherd (1928) The House at Pooh Corner. 1st. Ed. London: Methuen

Rod Marshall Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England


Eeyores*** or Tiggers*


