The Difficult Days

by | Apr 8, 2020 | Blessing, Trials

Philippians 3:1 “Whatever happens, dear friends, be glad in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you this, and it is good for you to hear it again and again.” Living Bible (TLB)

I lay in bed and listened to the rain pattering on the roof. Oh no, not another day of wet, muddy dogs and floors to deal with. Just what I need, I grumbled to myself. And yet as I listened to those raindrops, my ears also caught something else. The birds were chirping their morning song amidst the showers. It was like they were singing awake the new dawn, calling out, wake up, wake up, another wondrous day, another new beginning just for you.

And they were right. For every new day, no matter what difficulties we may be dealing with, large or small, mundane or hectic, sorrow or pain, is a day which the Lord has made. And in His presence we have power, provision, protection, wisdom, guidance, strength, encouragement, love and so very much more; all blessings to enable us to overcome whatever difficulties of the day we may be facing.

When the apostle Paul wrote these words, he knew that the Philippians were facing many difficult days as they struggled to grow amidst adverse circumstances and false teachers. But he also knew the truth. He had discovered for himself, through many a difficult day that abiding in Christ empowers us to leave the darkness behind as we allow the light of his truth to rain hope and blessing down upon us no matter what comes our way.

So if today is a difficult day for you, wake up, wake up to the truth. For this is the day the Lord has made. This is another new beginning just for you. And be glad in Him for who knows what showers of blessings are just waiting to rain down upon you this day!

Prayer: Father God, thank You that each new day is indeed a precious gift from You. And that amidst each new day, we can trust that Christ is just waiting for us to abide in Him that His truth and light might turn our darkness into a new and glorious dawn. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Lynne Phipps Atlin, B.C.


The Difficult Days


