Were God’s healings only for Biblical times?
St. Francis of Assisi would say “no”!
St. Francis of Assisi was the founder of the Franciscan Order. He also believed in healing through Jesus Christ and many people were healed through his ministry.
Initially St. Francis felt too unworthy to become involved in a healing ministry. This all changed one day when a soldier, who had a lame son, offered St. Francis lodging. The soldier asked St. Francis to pray for his son’s healing, and his compassionate heart dictated that he at least try to help the boy. He put his hand on the boy, and the lad was completely healed in Jesus’ name.
This miracle launched St. Francis into a healing ministry. Here are just a few of the miracles that God proceeded to work through him:
In the town of Narnia lived a man named Peter who was paralyzed. He asked St Francis to come to his home and pray for him. St. Francis complied, and Peter was healed.
A woman in San Gernini was demon possessed. Her husband asked St. Francis to pray for her healing. He did, and the woman was freed of the demons.
St. Francis met a friar one day who had epilepsy. He prayed for the friar’s release from the seizures, and God healed him.
In Pomarico, St. Francis met a couple who were in tears because their daughter had just died. St. Francis prayed, and the girl was raised back to life.
A boy drowned in Volturno. St. Francis prayed for him, and he came back to life.
A woman in Thevesa was completely blind. She received her sight when St. Francis prayed for her. She was so excited that Jesus had come through for her.
One day in Vincalvi, a store clerk named Matthew inadvertently drank poison. His limbs immediately began to stiffen up. St. Francis prayed to Jesus to save him. Immediately the clerk was able to stand again and to talk. He was completely healed.
As these true stories from the life of St. Francis of Assisi attest, God didn’t just perform miraculous healings in Biblical times. He was still heavily in the healing business during the 11th century. Let’s remember that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Heb. 13:8 NIV); and that same God who healed people in the Old Testament and the New, that same God who performed miracles in the hands of St. Francis of Assisi, is STILL in the business of healing. We can still trust our unchanging Heavenly Father with our healing needs. Even in the 21st century! He cares for us that much!
Rob Chaffart
(To view the entire “Miracles From the Past” devotional series, please click here.)