Reaching the crowds for healing. Asa Alonso Allen (1911-1970): Miracles From the Past, Part 21

by | Apr 5, 2020 | Healing, Miracles, Miracles From the Past

Allen was born in Arkansas. His father was an alcoholic and his mother was unfaithful. Allen became a drunkard as well. Later he was put in jail for stealing. Allen decided to stop being a drunkard. He gave his life to Jesus.

He became a pastor two years later, he had a calling to become a revivalist. He attended Oral Roberts and he wanted to help others to be healed through Jesus. He said clearly that “I do not claim to possess the gift of healing, hundreds are being miraculously healed in this meeting of every known disease. I do not claim to possess a single gift of the Spirit nor to have the power to impart any gift to others, yet in his meeting, as well as on other recent meetings, all the gifts of the Spirit are being received and exercised night after night.”

However, many preachers were condemning him, as so many people came for healing. His goal was to heal those who are not healed. Allan continually reached those who needed healing. More ministers joined him, praying for those who need healing.

Allan died in 1970. Allan was truly committed to Jesus and he brought a lot of people to Jesus. Lots of people came to be healed. His ministry didn’t diminish, it kept on growing. People started to trust more and more in Jesus. Isn’t that a good cause?

Rob Chaffart

(To view the entire “Miracles From the Past” devotional series, please click here.)


Reaching the crowds for healing. Asa Alonso Allen (1911-1970): Miracles From the Past, Part 21


