Agnes Sandford (1897-1982), Miracles From the Past Part 17

by | Apr 5, 2020 | Miracles, Miracles From the Past

Agnes was the daughter of a missionary in China and a wife of a Episcopal Rector.

Agnes suffered from severe, recurrent depression that was ongoing for many years. One day a pastor put his hands on her head and prayed for her, and after this she began to pray a simple prayer: “Lord have mercy on me and fill me with your Holy Spirit.” The depression became milder and less frequent until it disappeared altogether. She was free of it for good.

Agnes and her husband began a healing ministry. Agnes was quoted as saying: “People who pray have to expect miracles.” Throughout their ministry, they saw many healed. Here is just one example:

Agnes heard that a man named Frederick was near death in a hospital ward. When she went to see him, he looked terrible. She said a quick prayer for him and left the room. Filled with compassion for him, she returned some time later and asked him what was wrong with him.

He said: “Blood clots.”

She tried to talk about our Mighty Heavenly Father, but he didn’t want to hear about God. While he pulled down his sheet, she saw that his abdomen looked like a pool of blood that was covered by a thin membrane. Agnes laid her hands on him and prayed for him. When she arrived back her home, she called several people to pray for Frederick as well.

The following week when she went to see him, he was sleeping. She didn’t want to wake him, so she left.

When she returned the following week, Frederick wasn’t in his room. His belongings were still there, however, and when Agnes stepped into the common room, she found a handsome man there. She was shocked to see that it was Frederick. Frederick commented that his feet were still swollen, and Agnes suggested that he not stand on them, and that he would be healed. The next week he was released from the hospital.

Agnes would later talk with the chaplain about the miracle of Frederick’s healing. She was pleased to learn that Frederick had been to see the chaplain. In fact, the chaplain reported: “He came daily to see me. He wanted a Bible and wanted to know about Jesus.”

Three months later, Agnes met Frederick at his three-month checkup. He was completely healed.

There were many more examples of God’s healing miracles through Agnes Standford’s life, just more evidence of our amazing God. And that healing power, available in Bible times, available to the early church, available to Agnes Standford in the 20th century, is still available today! God is truly amazing!

Rob Chaffart

(To view the entire “Miracles From the Past” devotional series, please click here.)


Agnes Sandford (1897-1982), Miracles From the Past Part 17


