The Miracle of the Damaged Spinal Cord: There Is ALWAYS Hope, Part 11

by | Apr 2, 2020 | Healing, Hope, Miracles, Obedience, There is ALWAYS Hope

One thing that churches have failed to do according to Christ Jesus command is to only partially obey God’s commands; and partial obedience is actually total disobedience.

I was teaching on the importance of making disciples as the Lord Jesus commanded. I felt there was a lack of maturity in Christian circles simply because we are not making disciples who will be faithful to reproduce others. As I was teaching, I was illustrating the importance of applying the Words we read to our lives. I quoted the Gospel of St Mark 16:17-18: “In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

Some time later I went to the hospital where I met a patient who had fallen from a baobab tree and ended damaging his spinal column. For six months this guy was bed ridden, and the hospital concluded that they could not operate him. He was in deep pain since he had not walked for six months. The siuation was worse than pathetic, and when I visited this hospital bed, I was gripped with sadness; but the Spirit of the Lamb of the Lord God Almighty Christ Jesus inspired me to lay my hands on him. I did so, saying, “Lord God Almighty, You have said in Your word that we shall lay our hands on the sick and they shall recover, and in Jesus’ name, let there be recovery!Amen.”

The man started rolling his eyes all around in amazement. He began turning from side to side, to the left and to the right, and then up to the ceiling; then slowly, very slowly and in pain and anguish, he started rising up. Other patients were observing and we were all silent as he got up from the bed. He stood still for awhile, then he whispered in my ear: “I am feeling fine!” Then he raised his voice, saying: “Let me go home now!” The doctor was called, and he was taken to X-Ray for another radiography. It was amazing how the two pictures were different. He was healed, and he was discharged immediately from hospital, because that’s what the Lord Jesus does!

The other five patients in the ward asked for prayers then, and I laid my hands on them and I assured that they will be discharged within 24 hours. Sure enough, it was done.

What am I saying? When we take the Lord Jesus Christ at His word, all things are possible indeed!

May the Lord God Almighty keep you always,
MacGeofrey Mwale

(To access the entire “There is ALWAYS Hope” devotional series, please click here.)


The Miracle of the Damaged Spinal Cord: There Is ALWAYS Hope, Part 11


