I had lost about 125 pounds by changing my lifestyle, and was so full of energy that I was digging up my garden, carrying heavy stones to put around my house, helping friends to move, etc. I had heard that it wasn’t good to lift heavy things right after eating, but I felt so good and wanted to get so much done that I didn’t pay any attention to that good piece of advice. The worst mistake I made was helping some friends load a truck after I had eaten a big meal. My stomach started hurting so bad that it was hard for me to do anything. A friend of mine took me to stay with her and her husband for awhile.
After my long visit with them I came back home. When I got there I could see that my sister and her husband had finished planting my garden and flower beds to surprise me. I was delighted and ever so grateful.
I would go out to the garden in the mornings to see how it was growing. As I walked thru the garden I would thank the Lord for how it was growing. Now, I have just got to say one thing about the garden that I didn’t like. They had planted green beans which I wouldn‘t have done. One of my least favorite vegetables was green beans. I could eat them once a year and be well satisfied. As I walked and talked with God in the garden thanking Him for everything, I would come to the green beans and say to Him, “but I wouldn’t have planted those.” I can’t tell you how many times I did that. Then, one day after saying that, I asked Him to give me a recipe that I could use that I would like the green beans.
I believe that God had allowed those beans to be planted for a reason. He must have known I needed them. That very week another friend of mine called and was telling me about going to her Church and how they had had a potluck and she took her beans. Ha! I got so excited. I remembered her green beans. They were sooooo good. When her husband was so sick that they brought him home from the hospital to die, I went to help her out. I remember her asking me to cook up a lot of green beans to go with other food for when the family came she could offer them something to eat. Her recipe was sooooooo good, but they weren’t getting eaten up fast enough and I was afraid they were going to go to waste, so I kept eating them.
When God impressed my sister and her husband to put those green beans in my garden He knew they would be good for me and that I would enjoy them. He does such sweet things just to let us know that He Loves us and He knows what’s best for us. He knew ahead of time that I would enjoy those beans. He’s so Kind and Sweet!
A King Came to my House One Day
A King came to my house one day,
He came to visit, but I bade Him stay.
He brought peace, joy, and Love with Him when He came,
To brighten the chambers of my heart, that’s why I’m not the same.
It’s not too late to entreat Him to stay at your house, too.
He will change your heart completely and make your life brand new.
It only takes a moment to fall upon your knee,
And commit your life to Jesus thru all eternity.
Norma Wellman butterflyblue7@frontier.com