Think about the bad moments in your life and ask, “What was the first thing I did?”
Think about the good moments in life and ask, “What was the first thing I did?”
If it involved acknowledging God I know you understand. If it didn’t “What’s the first thing you should do?”
Thank God. Give thanks for all things good and bad. Both have something to help you grow.
I was born and the first thing I did was cry.
I was held shortly after and the first thing I did was sigh.
I crawled and the first thing I did was learn to stand. I stood and the first thing I did was learn to walk, then run, then ride a bike, then drive a car.
I fell in love and the first thing I did was thank God for her. We broke up. Never having lost at love the first thing I did was worry that I would never find love again.
I fell in love again and again and again and the first thing I did was thank God for more chances to love.
Throughout my life, when I fell down the first thing I did was ask for God’s help. When I stood again, the first thing I did was thank God the the strength to do so.
When I began to lose family to old age, disease and accident, the first thing I did was to question my faith, my God. I had never lost family before.
The first thing I did was turn my back on God. You see, by this point I thought I had all the answers. I thought God was a giver not a taker. So, I blamed Him.
When my sons were born the first thing I did was ask God for forgiveness. He gave me life again and took from me the burden of a wasted life.
When my son Keith had cancer…I didn’t understand, but the first thing I did was ask God for a miracle.
When my wife, Marianne had cancer, I didn’t understand, but the first thing I did was ask the God of miracles for still another.
When my business began to fail, the first thing I did was give into failure.
I looked in the mirror and I wanted to die. The first thing I did was ask God to take my life.
When I woke up in a mental health facility, the first thing I did was thank God for unanswered prayer.
When I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was thank God for another chance.
What I have discovered in my life is when things appeared hopeless, the first thing I did was ask for hope and found it.
When I turned my back on God, the first thing He did was stay by my side until I turned around.
I realized today that all that I am and all that I can be I owe to God. Because in the greatest moments of my life He was always there for me and the in darkest days of my life He stayed by my side.
Today I thought about you, my “friends I’ve never met” and those I have. The first thing I did was write this message for you so that you will remember as you head into this day, that the first thing God did was give you another chance.
“It’s always ok in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” Josh (my friend)
Bob Perks