The Octopus

by | May 4, 2017 | Discipline, Love, Spiritual Growth, Trials

And the second is like it:”Love your neighbour as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. Matthew 22:39-40 NIV

I have several varieties of octopi in my house and I absolutely love them! Each one allows me to plug 6 – 8 electrical cords into the same outlet at one time. As I was cleaning the other day and moved some furniture to dust an octopus, I found myself musing on our life in Christ as Christians.

Jesus said: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37 NIV

I find that loving God means that all of me needs to be plugged into the power of His spirit, all the time if I want to experience his fullness in every dimension of my life. Much like an octopus which has several plug outlets, but only one plug in that feeds power to each separate electrical cord, the Holy Spirit is able to empower each individual part of me, heart, soul and mind to love God as I plug into His presence and leading.

The emotions of my heart, the ponderings of my mind and the yearnings of my soul all express my love for God when they are centered on His will and way instead of my own. And the disciplines of prayer, praise, Scripture reading, memorization, fellowship with other believers, hymns or chorus singing, meditation and fasting are all tools which the Lord has given to us so that we might focus heart, soul and mind on Him every day in every way.

These disciplines are not legalistic tools to keep us in line, rather they are gracious gifts offered to us by our loving Lord to open the way of freedom and empowerment in His Spirit. In fact as we employ them, the Spirit is able to lead us to the best discipline for each and every life situation enabling us to hear and know the voice and wisdom of God in a clear and personal way, allowing us to not only love God, but also our neighbours as ourselves.

Yes, I love my octopi for every time I see them I am reminded of the need to love the Lord my God with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind that my life in Him may be experienced to the fullest.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for life in Jesus Christ. Thank you for spiritual disciplines which open the way of freedom and empowerment in your Spirit that we might each experience the fullness of the Living Lord in every dimension of our lives. In Christ name we pray. Amen.

Lynne Phipps
Atlin, BC


The Octopus


