“Be dressed and ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.” (Luke 12:35-36 NIV)
Tasha was the most faithful of dogs. I could always trust her to be alert, night or day, to my needs and commands. In fact throughout the thirteen years we dwelt together I have no recollections of her ever being disobedient or inattentive to my call. Truly, Tasha had the heart of a watchful and faithful servant in whom I had no problem placing my trust.
Today’s Scripture speaks about servanthood and the importance of always being ready for the return of the master. It also points us to the importance of trust. To be ready the servant must trust that the master will return. The master in turn, is trusting that the servant will be prepared for his arrival whenever that may be. Trust between servant and master is of the utmost importance, as both parties need to be able to count on one another for the relationship to work as it should.
Through my own Christian experience I have learned something about God, who represents the master in these verses. God is trustworthy! He can always be counted on to do as he says he will do. He never lets his end of our relationship falter or fail.
On the other hand however, as the servant, I must ask myself, just as you must ask yourself as a Christian, how trustworthy am I ? Can God count on me to be attentive to his will and way? Is my goal to be obedient to his word? Am I willing to accept him for who he is, rather than who I want him to be?
Tasha, my faithful canine friend truly had the heart of a watchful and faithful servant in whom I had no problem placing my trust. My hope today, for us as God’s servants, is that our Father and Master in heaven, may also have cause to think likewise about us.
Prayer: Father God thank you that you are completely trustworthy. Thank you also that in Christ we too have the power to be watchful and faithful servants in your house. Bless us this day with the desire to be dressed and ready for service as you come knocking on the door of our hearts to do your good and perfect will. In the wonderful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Lynne Phipps Atlin, BC lynnephipps@hotmail.com