He (Jesus) said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.” Revelation 21:6
It’s the end of the week already, and I have a question for you: Are you connected?
Recently, a Midwestern hospital found out it wasn’t — connected, that is.
Here’s the story: for 35 years the hospital had relied upon its water safety equipment in case of fire. Surprisingly, the water main had never been attached to the city’s water supply.
The pipe that led from the building extended four feet underground — and there it stopped!
For 35 years the medical staff and patients had placed confidence in that system. Theirs was a false security. The costly equipment, the polished valves, and the well-placed outlets were adequate except for one thing — there was no water!
Now, are you connected?
Now I know your life may have all the necessary outward trappings. You have a home, food, television, radio, and clothing. But are you connected?
Are you connected to the one Person who can save you in case of catastrophe — a catastrophe which, sooner or later, is going to come? Is Jesus Christ your Savior? I pray He is. In Him there is hope, peace, joy, happiness, and heaven.
He wants you to be connected.
So the Holy Spirit might connect you, Jesus our Savior lived, suffered, died, and rose. Now all who believe on Him are given a blessed and complete connection to Him who is the “water of life.”
Christians, do you know someone out there who is not connected?
If so, let’s remember that individual in our prayers. If not, give thanks that you are so blessed and join with those who are going to bring a special individual to the Lord.
From a devotion originally written for “By the Way”
THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for the life you have given us through the death and resurrection of Your Son, Jesus. Now I pray for those who don’t know Jesus, who have up until now turned their backs on Him. Send Your Holy Spirit so they may acknowledge their sin and great need of the Savior. Use us, dear Lord, to touch their lives. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Pastor Ken Klaus
Lutheran Hour Ministries http://www.lhm.org/ all rights reserved; not to be duplicated without permission