Two days after bringing him home, we took our beautiful ten day old adopted son to the best hospital we could find for an examination ordered by our family doctor. Our spirits sank when he told us a day earlier that Daniel had a heart murmur and felt we should get a second opinion. Following a thorough evaluation he was given a guarded report and we were optimistic that through prayer and determination he would grow out of it. That was thirty-one years ago!
Several months after the hospital visit, we were scheduled to finalize the adoption in family court. The judge ushered us into his chambers and explained the laws regarding adoption. He told us that there would never be another opportunity to change our minds, and that once we left the courthouse, we could not undo what we were about to do. Without hesitation, my wife and I signed the appropriate papers and had ourselves a baby! Glory!
Adoption is a blessed event in the family of God. It happens because we are chosen, hand picked, loved and nurtured. It can never be undone. Even if we disappoint our Father to the point of tears and frustration, we are still His, because adoption is final.
“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.” (Ephesians 1:5)
GospeLines Prayer: “Father, I was a ten year old spiritual orphan when You looked into eternity and picked me to become Your child, to enjoy all the privileges that go with being in Your family. You could have chosen someone more handsome, more talented, and less stubborn, but you didn’t… You chose me! You make me feel so special. Thank you, Lord.” Amen and amen.
Tommy Harrison