“And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.” (Matt 13:58 NIV)
“He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he was amazed at their lack of faith.” (Mark 6:5-6 NIV)
I once was asked why God’s miracles are more prevalent in poorer countries than they are in the Western world. Why don’t we see more miracles here in North America? Ever since I was asked this question, it’s been bothering me.
I have discovered that in the Western world, we lack one important ingredient to receiving answers to our prayers. What we lack is eager anticipation that our prayers will be answered!
So often we utter a prayer in the morning and then forget all about it by early afternoon. And often our prayers are answered, but because of our frenzied schedule and our hectic attitude, we literally miss the boat! We don’t even realize that God has bestowed His grace upon us! When this happens, we can’t thank the Lord for what He’s done, because we don’t realize we have anything to be thankful for!
Sadly, we miss out on a wonderful opportunity to enter into a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father. We also sadly miss out on our opportunity to deepen our faith in our Provider!
Is it possible that we have become too dependent on our own efforts to obtain answers to our prayers? Have we neglected the child-like faith that our Heavenly Daddy will come through for us? Is it possible that the reason we, in the Western world, are too suspicious, the reason we haven’t developed enough faith, is because we just can’t trust anyone? Not even our Provider? Are we more willing to receive than to commit?
The following testimonies of miracles have been sent in by three of our prayer warriors, one from Nigeria, one from India and the other one from Kenya. Child-like faith in the One through whom everything is possible indeed opens the door to God-size miracles and opportunities to getting to know Him more intimately!
“Five years ago, my sister suffered from cerebrospinal meningitis. She lives thousands of miles away and I couldn’t see her. I just got the call but could not speak to her because – I was told – she was unconscious (it was that serious). For the next two days, I was frantic with fear for her life. I was praying for her, and also got some Christians I know to pray for her. At last, I was able to speak to her, for only a few seconds. God heard our prayers and she slowly started to mend.
After about two weeks, she was discharged from hospital but alas, she had lost her hearing! She was taken to E.N.T specialists who, after the tests, declared that she would never hear again unless she used an artificial hearing aid. We were all dismayed. We continued to pray for her. When she became strong enough, she came home and I went to see her. I cried when I found I could no longer talk to my sister except I used signs.
During her stay at home (they had granted her a sick leave, to recuperate) she indicated her desire to attend a crusade that was held by a catholic priest who was richly endowed by the Holy Spirit. She was taken there and, believe it or not, came back hearing!. Well, she couldn’t hear very well at first but the healing continued to manifest with amazing speed. Within two days, she could hold normal conversations and today, you would never know that she has ever suffered hearing loss. Praise God!” Nkiru Ugwu Nkiru@answers2prayer.org from Nigeria
“I came to know about Jesus when I was 15 yrs old at that time I was sick. I had an injury on my right leg. The wound was not getting cured and the septic had reached till my knees. I was afraid whether I would loose my leg but one of my friends introduced me to Jesus one night, when I was in terrible pain. He prayed for me and when I gave my life to Jesus I was completely healed.
Since then God has been with me and my family. GOD gave me a wonderful church and a pastor through whom I learned so many things. Today I am pastoring my own church in Pune for the last 5yrs. I and my wife we will try our best to be a help Answer2prayer . Please ray for us and our church Light of Life.” Atul Bansode Atul@answers2prayer.org from Pune, India.
“This my testimony that God hears, answers and that His way are truly mysterious and amazing.
Over the festive season of December 2008 I was visiting my nephew Kennedy in Nairobi and on Sunday 28th joined his young family at their local Redeemed Gospel Church. In the course of prayer the pastor by name Prophet Zack revealed that he had received a prosphesy regarding a visitor to the church. Let me say at this juncture that even my nephew being quite young did not have much information about me and my history. So when the Pastor picked me out from the other visitors and proceeded to talk about my turbulent and hectic past, I was amazed!
He talked about my family separation, job loss from a senior civil service position, a motor vehicle lost in a shady deal, money poorly invested, my lost passport and travel documents, my previous battle of 25 years with alcohol, my rampant womanizing, my love for short time pleasure, my lack of serious commitment to anything tangible etc etc!
The Prophet read my life file in a way I myself could not have done it! It was divinely inspired.
In his prophesy, he said 2009:
1. Would be my breakthrough year in all aspects of my life.
2. All shackles holding me back would be broken.
3. That the holding job i was the having would pave way for what i should have been doing all along. “This brother is manager material”-were his words.
4. That God would use me in a special way to reach His people.
5. That family reconciliation was coming.
All the prophesies are being fulfilled one by one! The prayers of the righteous are powerful.
1. The year 2009 is indeed bringing breakthroughs in many areas.
2. Whatever hold the evil one was having on me is gone for now i experience a kind peace that surpasses all understanding.
3. Have now gotten a worthy job as a Trainer &Trainings Coordinator with a consulting firm in Nairobi.
4. What we are doing through Answers2prayers is truly special. At my local church i do coordinate Sunday service scripture reading.
5. Me and my separated spouse are now able to meet, discuss and plan about our children, whereas before even a telephone conversation was out!
Prophet Zack continues to strengthen me and reminds that blessed are those who wait upon the Lord.
My life and the positive changes in my life is a true testimony of the power of prayer, faith and His endless grace and mercy.
Glory be to God now and ever!” Sammy Mwate Sammy@answers2prayer.org from Nairobi, Kenya.
Our loving Heavenly Father is still in the miracle business. But are we willing to completely trust Him with eager anticipation, no matter what happens to us?
Rob Chaffart
(To view the entire “You of Little Faith” devotional series, please click here.)