Up and Running

by | May 11, 2014 | Great Commission, Love, Poem, Witnessing

He’s already up and running, he will hit the streets again today;
No telling how many people he will talk to, nor how many times he’ll pray.
He has been doing this for about three years, since he first got the calling;
Before that people knew him, as being drunk, no count, low down and falling.

Oh but he changed one cold winters night when he was feeling awful low;
Sitting on the sidewalk drunk and lonely, as-far-down-as one could go.
When out of the darkness he heard someone talking, but he didn’t recognize the voice;
Telling him: “you don’t have to live like this son, you know I gave you a choice”.

Frank was not afraid, because he felt this peace way down deep inside;
He just sat there on that cold sidewalk, bowed his head and cried.
Father is that you Frank asked? … I haven’t called on you in years;
Only to curse your name, while I was drunk on whiskey and beer.

Before you on bended knees sweet Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart;
Forgive me of all my sins, Lord, let me make a brand new start.
I promise I will work for you from sun up till sun down;
I will follow you all the way Savior, I will turn my life around.

Child, through the blood of Jesus Christ your sins were washed away;
Your slate was wiped clean, when you dropped down on your knees to pray.
That’s all I ever asked of you is for you to follow me;
For I have always been with you watching over thee.

That’s why Frank is up and running, hitting the streets everyday;
Testifying to all who will listen, getting down on his knees to pray.
Frank has gone from a low down sinner, to walking in the light;
Because he was called by God The Father, on that lonely winter’s night.        

Pat Finn Pat@answers2prayer.org


Up and Running


