Missing the Point: Our Lost Notion of Real Christmas, Part 2

by | May 11, 2014 | Our Lost Notion of Real Christmas, Worship

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him. (asked by some foreign wise men)” (Matt 2:2 NIV)

We had made a detour from Fussen, in Bavaria, Germany, to visit the renowned Klosterkirche (monastery) in Oberammergau. We arrived just as the evening service was beginning, and rather than disturb this assembly of the saints, we decided to explore the gardens. It soon became apparent, however, that we were the only tourists who worried about disturbing the service, and when the rest entered the cathedral in droves, we finally joined them.

It wasn’t hard to find seats, for the huge cathedral was 95% empty, and because I couldn’t understand the service anyway (It was all conducted in German, and as far as I was concerned, it might as well have been conducted in Chinese!), my eyes strayed to the lavish works of art surrounding me.

As if on cue, those of us who were tourists jumped up as soon the service was over. We quickly took out our secret weapons, our cameras, out of hiding, and started shooting. The fact that I was having problems taking pictures due to the lack of adequate lighting didn’t deter me in the least. I just kept on snapping my camera. However, even the myriads of pictures we took didn’t do justice to the beauty around us.

All of a sudden I heard a loud “Ahum”. I turned slowly towards the exit door, and saw the priest impatiently waiting for us to leave the sanctuary so that he could lock its doors.

Not exactly a warm welcome, if you know what I mean! In hurrying us out of the cathedral, hadn’t the priest missed a potential opportunity to share his faith with the visitors?

But before I could think about that, guilt began to creep into my own heart. I been so taken up with the beauty of the building that I had completely forgotten to worship the One who made this beauty possible! I had missed an opportunity to commune with the Lover of my soul amidst this utter beauty! I had missed the point with my visit to this monastery!

How often don’t we attend church with a backpack of problems to contemplate? Or perhaps a plastic bag full of our week’s accomplishments to admire? How often are our hearts really into the praise service? How often do we listen to what is being said? Are we possibly missing the point of why we attend church? Isn’t it about spending time with our Maker and Saviour? About savouring the little bit of time we spend together? Isn’t it about thanking Him profusely for His abundant help and wise guidance that He gives us so generously throughout the week?

Or is it possible that we didn’t even take the time to contemplate how many times He has come through for us?

Do we even have an inkling of David’s longing for God?

“I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.” (Ps 61:4 NIV)

Nothing is more thrilling than to realize that we are indeed in the presence of God. When we fully realize this privilege, we can’t stop ourselves from falling to our knees and worshiping Him instead of ourselves! After all, He is, indeed, the Lover of our souls!

Shouldn’t Christmas be a time for us to worship our Saviour as well? Let’s learn from the wise men of the East! Let’s stop missing the point.

“Ahum! Guys, I really need to lock these doors!”

“But, but, but…”

Why are we really here?

Rob Chaffart

(To view the entire “Nairobi, Here I Come!” devotional series, please click here.)


Missing the Point: Our Lost Notion of Real Christmas, Part 2


