If you let Him, God can work a miracle in every single soul;
We can, with God’s help, put a miracle in every bowl.
Feed the hungry, don’t let another child die;
Be a sponsor in the name of God, and bring joy to some child’s eyes.
It’s a simple mission………you can do for a few dollars;
Help keep a child’s belly full, not empty and hollow.
What you do for the least of these, you also do for Me;
There are millions of children all over the world, that we need to feed.
Brothers and sisters listen, God gave us a planet and He generously filled it up;
There is no reason a child should go around, with the earth’s abundance, carrying an empty cup.
Feed the hungry, take care of the young, old, sick and lame;
But do not do it for credit, do it to lift up God’s holy name.
His Servant
Pat Finn Pat@answers2prayer.org
Prayer Warrior at http://www.answers2prayer.org/