Down the Yellow Line

by | May 14, 2013 | Circumstances, Guidance, Trials

Isaiah 43:16 – Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters. (NKJV)

The best decision would have been to stay home, but the young tend to think they’re invincible. This was our thinking, when with friends, I found myself navigating our way to a late evening sports practice twenty minutes out of town. The night was foggy; I believe the saying is “It was as thick as pea soup”, though I am not sure what pea soup had to do with it! In town, the street lights seemed to be able to break through the fog, and it didn’t seem all that bad. So we reasoned, “How bad could it be to drive the twenty minutes?”

As we began to leave town, no longer did the street lights pierce the darkness. We were surrounded by farmers’ fields, and thankfully, no other cars — apparently others made the decision to stay at home. With the wipers on to clear the wetness of the fog, we still could not see. I then opened my window and peered down to the ground and located where the road ended and the gravel and subsequently the ditch began. The person in the back seat rolled down a window and found the yellow line on the road. So long as we followed the yellow line, we were safe from any oncoming cars. For twenty minutes, we drove in this way, one looking straight ahead through the fog and two watching for dangers from each side. This practice kept us straight and safe. Thankfully, on our return, the fog had lifted.

The fog of life can also affect us in a similar way. It can surround us in such a way that we cannot see our way out of it. It can lift, but then seem to drop again as we round the next corner or face the next challenge of life. Thankfully, we have others who come alongside us to help us navigate a path.

Thus, even when we are faced with fog in our lives — and we all will experience it at some time or another — we can hold fast to the following. Even greater is the One who stepped out of the darkness and rescued us. Our hope rests in our Lord and Saviour.

Psalm 18:2 – The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my saviour; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. (NLT)

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that You reach down into the darkness and fog of our lives to offer us hope and a way out. When we come across others who are in the fog of life, help us to do the same for them. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Julie Bowles
Barrie, Ontario, Canada

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Down the Yellow Line


