Strong and Resilient

by | May 17, 2012 | Relationship, Strength, Trials

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Colossians 2:7

Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. Ephesians 3:17

When the rains subsided, and the sun peeked out, roots of the mangroves were clearly visible at the canal’s edge.

“Aren’t they a perfect example of what it says in the Bible about roots?”, I thought.

These tropical roots are strong and resilient. They are firmly entrenched below the surface of the water into the ground. Thick, intertwined, bunched together.

Many hurricanes have come and gone here. Houses have flooded out, motels ruined, fruit trees blasted away from the gale force winds. But the mangroves survive. They have weathered the storms. They come back. And, they flourish.

We will have adversity. One way or another. That’s not the good news. If we put down roots, into the soil of God’s Word, we will do OK when the storms of life come. That is good news.

Sally I. Kennedy is the author of “Irish Thursdays: More Little Parables”, “Words from the Heart”, and “52 Little Parables from Ireland” . She lives in south Florida, with her husband Ben. Please visit her website at this address: email,


Strong and Resilient


