On a recent trip to the grocery store I discovered a new kitchen product. It has probably been on the market for years, but I just haven’t noticed it before. It is a sponge, similar to the one I use in my kitchen. One side is just like my old sponge, dried and brittle before soaking, and the other side is made of a material for scrubbing. I bought the sponge, took it home, and tried it. First I soaked the sponge side with water, added some detergent and then I used the scrubbing side and went to the task at hand. Yes, it worked wonderfully well! I was glad I didn’t have to drag out other cleaning materials from under the sink and tackle the dirty pot with them!! The sponge did the job quite well, using one side, then the other. The sponge would have been useless if it hadn’t absorbed the water before I had started my task. If it were all dried up and impenetrable, the entire procedure would have been for nil.
The same is true for a Christian. We must allow God to penetrate our hearts through His Word, to soften us up and make us pliable as we absorb His truth as it applies to our lives as well as the lives of others. After we have soaked up a good store of His truths He is ready to send us into the work field. The “scrubbing” side of us- the working side- is now more equipped and able to do the job God needs us to do, and we will be effective workers for Him. We must always remember to go back to His Word to be prepared for the work force, or we will become dry and brittle once again.
Marion Smith noles65@aol.com