Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12
There it was, all shiny and new, attached to the wall by the bathroom counter. My husband had kindly put up the oversize magnifying mirror I’d bought. There it was, all shiny and new, attached to the wall by the bathroom counter. Now I could actually see to apply my make-up. Yes!
My eyesight has never been great. At seven years old I started wearing glasses. Not too many kids that age wear glasses, and I got teased about them. After I turned forty, well, suffice it to say my vision didn’t improve any. I sought laser surgery so I wouldn’t have to wear tri-focal lenses, but wasn’t a candidate.
Then one day I discovered a local shop selling magnifying mirrors. What a great invention. It doesn’t make my vision 20/20, even with glasses. But it’s way better than it was.
In Genesis it says ‘They made man in Their image and it was VERY good.’ Not just “good”. When God looks at us He sees us as we are, with 20/20 vision. At the same time He sees us as we will be, with 100/100 vision. That’s perfect. And very good news.
Sally I. Kennedy is the author of “Irish Thursdays: More Little Parables”, “Words from the Heart”, and “52 Little Parables from Ireland” . She lives in south Florida, with her husband Ben. Please visit her website at this address: Sally’s email: