A Soldier’s Thanksgiving

by | May 18, 2010 | Poem, Thanksgiving

Over there a soldier’s thinking
Of a time not long ago,
When his loved ones got together;
‘Twas Thanksgiving Day, you know.

Over there a soldier’s dreaming
Of a turkey baked just right,
Mashed potatoes, golden gravy,
Chestnut dressing, pure delight!

Over there a soldier’s hungry
For whipped cream on pumpkin pie.
Squares of cornbread, crusts so tender,
Homemade biscuits stacked up high.

Over there a soldier’s wishing
He could have one buttered roll.
But he feasts on GI rations
While his unit’s on patrol.

Over there a soldiers lying
In a ditch, his makeshift bed.
Mud and dirt are his companions;
Been awhile since he’s been fed.

Over there a soldier’s praying
That his open sores will heal.
He is sure that he’ll feel better
Once he has a good hot meal.

Over there a soldier’s hearing
Loud explosions, muffled cries.
Shrapnel killed his foxhole buddy
Right before his very eyes.

Over there a soldier’s quoting
Scriptures learned at Mother’s knee,
Proud that he’s a mighty warrior,
Keeping all his loved ones free.

This Thanksgiving as you’re eating
That sweet corn that grandpa grew,
Say a prayer for that dear soldier
Who would love to be with you.

Mariane Holbrook is a retired teacher, an author of two books, a musician and artist. She maintains a personal website www.marianholbrook.com and welcomes your Emails at Mariane777@bellsouth.net


A Soldier’s Thanksgiving


