I look to the path He made for me,
That brought us all to Heavens’ victory.
His words and deeds were so precise
They made us love Thee Jesus Christ.
The pathway we find, because He walked there.
He showed us how to live and to go to Him in Prayer.
The path He made was long and wide.
Made our hearts want to walk by His side.
When we follow His path; His words to the end,
We will find all the help and aid He will send.
The path He made for you and for me.
Then, brought into our lives; the sweetest victory.
He formed this path with His own sweet love.
He wants His children with Him there above.
There will be a time of Heavenly glory and love divine
We will want our paths there to intertwine.
We want to live for our Savior and that is His joy
We have known since we read of Him as a little boy.
The son of all sons; the Father’s own little lad
That fulfilled all the Father wanted and was glad.
©Pearlie Duncan Walker wildfern@tx.rr.com
May 25, 2007