Nathan stood there, aghast, with tears streaming down his face! He couldn’t believe what he’d just seen. Emron, his father, had called him for dinner, and he’d simply replied, “I’ll be down in a moment.”
But dad could not accept his tardy response, and within seconds exploded in anger, racing upstairs, grabbing his son’s most treasured possession, a recently purchased laptop, and threw it over the two-storey balcony to the concrete below.
A fight erupted, with screaming, shouting, punching, accusations and denial – all in response to an incredibly thoughtless moment!
I wonder what you’re doing with your anger. Are you aware of the damage you may have done, particularly to those you supposedly love the most?
In my life, I have faced many times of exploding anger, triggered by various moments, and appearing from places I haven’t necessarily understood very well.
God challenges me about my depth of emotion. He gently shines His truth into the hurts of my past, allowing me to give the pain to Him for forgiveness and healing.
Are you ready to place all the anger into His hands, and let His acceptance and grace replace the hurt and shame?
“But He was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was chastised that we might have peace; He was lashed – and we were healed!” Isaiah 53:5
Could Nathan ever forgive Emron for the damage he has done? Could you?
Thank you God that Jesus took my guilt!
Bruce Wadd