Closet of Life

by | May 19, 2009 | Priorities, Purity, Stress

“Honey, give yourself plenty of time to get ready.” Those words from my mom still ring in my ears each time I plan to go out. But do I listen? I should, but I don’t. I wait till the last minute. (It’s tough to get away from the task at hand). So, with only minutes to spare, I hop in the shower, slip on my robe, and dash into my walk-in closet, frantically sliding hangers, looking for any outfit to wear.

How do I do this with no sight? It’s kind of simple. When I purchase the item, I store in my memory each item’s characteristics—the texture, the shape of the neckline, buttons or length of sleeve. One light touch tells me what the item is. But when I’m in a hurry, trying to find the right outfit gets a bit tough. Not because I can’t see, but because I just have too many clothes – way mo re than any blind gal should be allowed to have. The bar holding all those hangers is probably sagging from the weight.

Oh, how my jammed closet resembled my life—full of tasks of all kinds and sizes. Like a squirrel running from tree to tree, I’d dash from one task to another. I had no choice—lots of people to please.

When growing up, I tried to please my parents and my teachers. Later on, I wanted to please my family, my readers, my employer, and my friends and finally, please myself by pleasing them. Like a rubber band, I tried to stretch hours in a day, staying up late at night and getting up early. Phew! I’m worn out just writing about it.

I think all of us scurry through life eager to please at least someone. And the level of stress and tension rises like the thermometer in Orlando’s summer.

I had to change, God never meant us to live in the heat of tension. Rather, He gave one pretty cool directive: “Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:36-37).

When life sags from the weight of countless tasks, obeying His greatest commandment is the key to success.

With that in mind, here’s what plays in my head as soon as my feet slide into my slippers in the morning: All the Lord allows will I accomplish today. Not seeking my own plans guided by pressure, but His purpose guided by His perfect will.

Wow. I can almost taste the freedom. It’s not up to us, but up to Him, who holds our destiny in His hands, orchestrates the details and knows the ultimate design for our life.

Deviating from His ways equals burnout. But obeying His greatest commandment ushers wisdom—to arrange priorities, to press forth when fatigued, to bring clarity when confused, to be productive when overwhelmed, and to know the warmth of His love when feeling unappreciated.

Here’s one more benefit: Having the heart, mind and soul focused on loving God above all turns tasks to blessings rather than burdens. And adding daily moments, silent in His presence ushers peace, incredible peace.

Ah! Getting ready for the day is easier now—I cleaned out my closet, tossing out unnecessary worry, anxiety, and tension. And when I put on the dress of peace, it looks pretty darn good on me…and it will on you too!

You can take a deep breath, relax, and slip it on with confidence because “It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don’t you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves?” (Psalm 127:2, The Message [Bible]).

Janet Eckles

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Closet of Life


