Be Still

by | May 19, 2009 | Listening, Rest, Stress, Worry

Living in an area that is blessed with lots of trees and open space, we are also subject to many squirrels running through the neighbourhood. One day, as I was driving, I had to apply the brakes — not once but three times — for these little fellows, and all within a short stretch of road. Squirrels tend to run out into the road, then stop, and then run a bit more, or even turn and run back the way they have just come. They can cause drivers to stop and wait while they make their way to safer ground.

On this particular day as I was trying to get from one location to another and having to be aware of the squirrels, I must admit that my frustration was rising. It was during this time that I felt the Lord impress upon me the following verse:

Psalm 46:10 – Be still, and know that I am God. (NKJV)

How many times in our day we are in such a rush to get all the errands done and make sure we are on time for this and for that! We can miss so much that the Lord wants us to see or even share with us. Our lives can resemble the squirrel darting here and darting there, stopping and running the other way.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to be still and know that You are God. We also want to show others Who You are. We know that unless we take the time to get to know You, we cannot show others. Help us to draw closer to You and to share and spread Your love to others in this world. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Julie Bowles

Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Thanks to


Be Still


