Thank You Lord for My Lost Reservation!

by | May 18, 2009 | Blessing, Trials

Alas! We had just arrived at our last destination in the Yukon, Watson Lake. Feeling a bit sad at the prospect of leaving this lovely territory, we headed to the hotel that we had reserved.

As soon as I gave my name to the receptionist, I knew something was wrong. Her face paled and her actions suddenly became very jerky, like she was nervous or something. Strange! I had never had anyone react like this to the mere mention of my name before! I didn’t even know I could have such an effect on people!

She looked into her register and nervously said, “I can’t find your name!”

I tried to catch her attention, to establish eye contact with her, but she immediately turned her eyes back down to the register. Even more strange! “I have my reservation number!” I said with confidence.

“That won’t help!”

That was the strangest thing yet! “Since when do reservation numbers not help?” I asked, getting more confused by the minute.

“Who did you make the reservations with?”

I arched an eyebrow. That was three months ago! How did she expect me to remember one name among so many? “All that I can remember is that I talked with a man,” I answered.

“That must be my boss. He always forgets to write down reservations.”

I was starting to become really annoyed now. The next town that had any hotels was in Forth Nelson, BC, 500 kilometres through rough, mountainous terrain. We were tired and I couldn’t even think driving another six hours! “But he gave me a reservation number!” I sputtered again, hoping that this time the information would bring about some positive response. But when I didn’t get one, I said, “Could I please speak with the manager?”

“He’s not here,” was the unwelcome response. “We were quite busy today. We had a whole bus tour register with us just an hour ago.”

Suddenly I understood! My reservation had probably become conveniently “lost” when they were trying to find enough rooms for the tour bus! And this would definitely explain the anxious receptionist!

“I can contact another reputable hotel,” she suggested. “I’m sure they’ll have a room for you.”

A phone call later, and we learned that for 20$ more we could have a room in this “recommended” hotel. She passed me the phone to make the final arrangements, and on a whim I decided to check the legitimacy of it all: “So you have a room available for us for 120$?”

“Yes sir! We do.”

“And that’s for a room for four people?” I already knew that he knew the answer to this question. The receptionist who had placed the call had initially told him!

“Oh no! I didn’t know that. That will be another 10$!”

I hung up and stared at the fidgety receptionist. “I’m not too pleased,” I said, trying to control my anger. “Are there any other hotels in town?”

“Hmmm. Not that I know off.”

We left the lobby and headed for the “recommended” hotel. Our only hope was that we might notice another hotel near by!

And we sure did. There was another hotel situated right next to the “recommended” hotel! Hum!

We entered the lobby and were given a warm welcome. Upon our request, the friendly receptionist let us examine one of her rooms, and we found it to be clean and homey with two queen size beds. This was the nicest, largest room we rented in the Yukon. How could we have missed such a pearl of great price? Moreover, the room rate was 10$ cheaper than the original quote from the hotel where our reservation had somehow “evaporated”.

When this nice receptionist heard of our woes, she consoled us with these words: “This is not the first time that this happened to tourists!”

Later, I knelt down on my knees and thanked God for the lost reservation.

Isn’t it true that we often engage adversity with hostility? “What do you mean you lost my reservation? Do you see my fist?” (I like the following answer to that “Oh I do!  Let me clean it for you.”) I am sure glad God helped me remain calm through this experience, but how many times don’t I give in to the fury and deal with disagreeable situations with somewhat less “elegance”? What will they say about me then? “This guy sure has a bad temper!”

Nothing gets resolved when irresponsible behavior overtakes us, however! In fact we sink deeper into the turmoil of our adversity!

The only Christ-like way is to first count to one hundred (for those on the verge of losing control, count to one thousand!). Let peace control your heart, not fury! Then hand your adversity over to God and depend on Him for direction. You can be assured that the next step will be to look the adversity in the eye with a smile. Nothing will be able to shake you! God has something better for you!

They say that if for some reason a door (of opportunity) is locked, watch for wide-open windows! God is in control!

“So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.” (2 Peter 3:14 NIV)

“Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” (Heb 12:14 NIV)

“He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer.” (1 Peter 3:11-12 NIV)

Isn’t it getting cold here with all those open windows?

P. S. Are you, by chance, looking for a room in Watson Lake?

Rob Chaffart


Thank You Lord for My Lost Reservation!


