Ketchikan, Alaska is not only an attractive touristy community, but is also renowned for its native arts. Twenty percent of its population can trace their origins to the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian tribes of Alaska. One of their traits that I most admire is their respect towards nature.
The expert carpentry natives always prayed and fasted before deciding which cedar tree to cut and turn it into lumber or canoes. Then they would prepare cutting the tree by hammering stone or bone chisels with stone mauls. After the tree fell, its top was cut, hauled to the sea and transported via skids to the natives’ village.
Gathering bark was mostly women’s work. They would look for straight trees with no spiralling bark. Once found they would strip two narrow ribbons of bark vertically, sometimes forty feet long. This would allow the tree to survive and guarantee future supplies. They would thank the tree for allowing them to share its resources.
How different is our society nowadays! How often don’t we take for granted the resources provided to us. We take it, buy it, use it, without ever muttering a “thank you” and treat it as if it belongs to us.
How often don’t we take for granted what Jesus has done for us on the cross as well! A costly sacrifice was performed there so that we could be set free and experience eternity. Wow! Thank you Jesus!
May we all learn from these natives and acknowledge respectfully all the blessings our Heavenly Father bestows on us on a daily basis. Not only would we be happier believers, we would become a blessing to those around us as well.
Col 4:2 “Pray diligently. Stay alert, with your eyes wide open in gratitude.” The Message
Heb 12:28 “Do you see what we’ve got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God.” The Message
How will you cut your next tree?
Rob Chaffart