Luke 24:36-39 – As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!” But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit. And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” (ESV)
Last summer, I visited my parents and noticed wasps entering the roof space. With wasp spray at the ready, I launched myself up the ladder to the roof and sprayed. When no more wasps were to be seen, I plugged up the hole with a piece of expanded polystyrene, and climbed down.
On our next visit, Caroline noticed that the wasps had returned too! So, up the ladder I went, the same as before. I found that the wasps had removed the polystyrene plug and brought several hundred of their co-workers along. They had patiently eaten their way back through. This time, I glued two layers of thick plywood over their entry hole. Then I went inside the roof to see what I would find.
To my dismay there was a wasps’ nest: nursery, queens, and all!
Screwing up my courage, wasp spray and vacuum cleaner in hand, I removed all the existing evidence of nest and wasps.
I was touched by the event, knowing there was more to this, but I was not able to pinpoint its significance.
Now, suddenly, my eyes have been opened, and I understand the relevance. I had, during times of stress and pride, become focused on the circumstances, not on my Saviour, and in so doing, provided a portal for doubts about God’s love for me to sneak in and take a hold. From this hive, grew a swarm of fears, which soon flowed freely in and out, feeding and growing on my sin.
Since then, I have asked Jesus to dismiss these fears and doubts, by His grace, love, and authority. He has cleansed my commotion, closed the unwanted gateway to fear, and filled me with His peace and assurance — as He will for any who will trust His reality.
Prayer: Lord, we are a sinful people, and even when we seek Your countenance, we sometimes manage to doubt Your loving care for us. Forgive us our trespasses. Come, Lord Jesus, and reside with us. Please banish the doubts and fears that have infiltrated our lives, and grant us Your touch of peace today. Amen.
Rod Marshall
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England
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