Eons ago, deep within the earth, some carbon and a bit of boron came together under enormous pressure, forming a unique stone. Violent volcanic activity brought it to the surface in India where it was discovered. There was great excitement, for this stone was not simply unique. It was amazing-violet and weighing 112 3/16 carats. And so began the journey of the diamond people desired above all else.
The stone traveled much over the centuries. From merchant to merchant, and king to king. Yet regardless of the desire that filled their hearts, it was never enough. King Louis XIV of France bought it in 1668 but soon wasn’t satisfied. The diamond was recut into a 67 1/8-carat stone, set in gold and suspended on a neck ribbon, at least until Louis XV had it reset again. And the desire continued to grow. In 1791, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, fearing for their lives, attempted to flee France, but not without the diamond. They were captured and the stone returned, only to be stolen the next year.
In 1812 it had made its way to London and was recut again. King George IV of England later owned the diamond, now a deep blue, but after his death, it was sold to pay his debts. By 1839 the new owner had died, leading to litigation within his family for that precious diamond. It passed to a nephew and then to his grandson, who would have to sell it to help pay his own debts. First to a London dealer, then to ones in New York City, who eventually sold it because they needed the money. See a pattern here?
The blue diamond moved through more hands until it was purchased by Evalyn Walsh McLean of Washington D.C. Still, it wasn’t enough. She had it reset in a headpiece on a three-tiered circlet of large white diamonds…until she changed her mind and had it made into a pendant. Of course, that wasn’t enough either. Her collection eventually contained the 94.8-carat Star of the East diamond, the 15-carat Star of the South diamond, a 9-carat green diamond, and a 31-carat diamond. After her death, the prized stone was shown in many exhibits, then donated in 1958 to the Smithsonian Institution. Today people stand in long lines just to look at it…the Hope Diamond…which finally brings this long story to me.
Years ago I got the opportunity to see this blue stone. The line, filled with people from all over the globe, moved very slowly, snaking its way around other exhibits, through corridors, and past incredible security. It took forever, but that was OK. Getting to the diamond would be enough. We would not be able to touch it, as the diamond was kept behind thick glass. And that was OK, too. Just seeing the beautiful blue stone would be enough. Finally I made it into the guarded chamber and there it was in all its glory.
I discovered something that day, the same thing known by so many before me, from simple dealers to kings and queens. It wasn’t enough. I wanted to hold it, feel the smooth cuts, see the light sparkle through it. But you know what? Even if I had been able to do that…it would not have been enough. Why? Because after all was said and done, after waiting in that long line, after wondering why some people choose not to wear deodorant…the Hope Diamond is just a big rock someone has made pretty.
It isn’t Mount Hood in Oregon or the Isle of Skye in Scotland. It isn’t the North Sea or the Gulf of Mexico. It isn’t the rugged shores of Big Sur or the rolling hills of the Blue Ridge. All are God’s beautiful creations. Isn’t it odd that man would take something of His, try to improve on it, and think it could ever be enough. But even God’s creations are not enough for us. Deep within our souls we long not for the creations, but for the Creator…and not merely to see Him. That’s not enough!
The Disciple Phillip once thought he understood what would be enough. During the Last supper, he looked at Jesus and said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” (John 14:8) Imagine his shock when Jesus replied, “You have seen Him.”
Seeing God isn’t enough, not for us and not for Him. He longs for the same thing our hearts ache for…a real relationship. He wants us to know Him, to walk with Him, to talk and share with Him. He wants us to experience Him in the absolute fullness of His reality. And when we do that, the love He gives never ends and is never satisfied. It is forever consuming, forever filling. It never reaches a limit, is never portioned. It comes to us each day and each night, in good times and bad, in celebration and in mourning. Because when it comes to His desire for us and our deepest desire for Him, it is never enough.
Take care and be God’s,
Chuck Graham chuckgraham@ciloa.org /Ciloa/ … * Encouraging one another as long as it is called Today!*
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