After driving two long hours through the mountains in the pouring rain, what a relief it was to finally arrive at Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia, and find sunshine. We had fully expected it to be raining there too, but it seemed that this town has its own, distinct weather patterns that stood out in sharp contrast to the downpour of the surrounding areas. In fact, we were fortunate to have the sunshine for the entire time we were in Radium!
This odorless pool, fed by natural hot springs, is surrounded by majestic, natural rock walls, and one can often see mountain goats staring down from up above. After having driven two long weeks to arrive at Banff, and then shivered through the first three days of cold, rainy weather, the hot springs themselves were a very welcome relief. The stress just drained away in that hot water surrounded by those rock walls, and amazingly, for the entire time we stayed at the hot springs, we didn’t get bored. Not even my two boys who are usually filled with excess energy!
Before entering the pool, I had made an appointment with one of the massage therapists at the spa. All that time on the road had put my back in desperate need of a massage, but even with this prospect in mind, it was with reluctance that I left the hot pool for my appointment.
The spa itself was much nicer than I had expected. I was given a comfortable kimono, open sandals, a towel, and a free locker. Soft music played in the background and the smell of heavenly incense filled the air as I enjoyed the sauna and Jacuzzi. As a result, I was completely relaxed by the time I was shown to my room for the much-needed massage.
The massage therapist was a real pro who had graduated with several massage specialties, too complicated for my poor, depleted brain cells to remember. By the time the massage was finished, I was covered from head to toe in a special combination of essential oils. Walking in my special sandals with that oily substance covering my feet was a unique-and slippery!-experience . . .
My boys had continued to enjoy themselves in the hot springs while I was in the spa, and we ended up staying in this Earth-provided pool for 4 ½ hours. It was with sadness that we left, after eating ice-cream, of course! And when the rain started up as soon as we’d left the area to return to Banff, it certainly didn’t help to relieve our gloom!
The hot springs succeeded in reenergizing us for the upcoming days and weeks of our trip. Driving over 12,000 km can be taxing on any body, especially one that’s over the hill! Rest and relaxation are important to all of us, especially in this fast-paced, hectic world that we live in. It is a good provision that God included a mandatory daily sleeping period for our bodies, otherwise we would be running nonstop, 24 hours a day, and age would creep up on us much faster than anticipated!
However God also provided us with another way to procure rest. It is unique to the Christian experience, and it works miracles when you are faced with trials. The remedy is simple: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matt 11:28-29 NIV)
When we leave our burdens at Jesus’ feet, He, Himself provides us with the rest we need. If we let Him be at the helm of our lives, we no long have any reason to worry. Trials still arise, but Jesus guides us through them, giving inner peace of mind and heart as long as we continue to rest in His provision and depend solely upon Him.
No one can have a more powerful ally than Jesus, the Creator of the Universe Himself, and He waits patiently for an invitation from us to enter our life: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” (Rev 3:20 NIV)
He longs to be our friend and develop a relationship with us. Will you let Him in?
Storms ahead! Nothing to fear! I know of a hot spring that will energize us beyond our wildest dreams!
“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” (John 7:38 NIV)
Rob Chaffart