“A Christian should always remember that the value of his good works is not based on their number and excellence, but on the love of God which prompts him to do these things” (St. John of the Cross 1521-1591).
One of the great Scottish poets of last century was William Soutar. His life was a tragic one. He died in 1943 aged only forty-five. For twenty-five years he suffered a debilitating illness, and for the last ten years of his life he was completely helpless. Yet he had this great gift of writing and in spite of his own tragedy he was a man of wit and a storyteller of some note. This is one of his stories that tells of the importance and effect of little things.
There was once a wood cutter’s wife who forgot to put salt in her husband’s morning porridge. When he angrily complained, she told him that he was a fool to make such a fuss about so trifling a matter. This infuriated the wood cutter, and commencing work in the forest he lashed out at a tree with such force and venom that the axe head flew off. It injured his employer’s favourite horse that was being led to the blacksmith’s shop. That horse was to have taken his employer, a nobleman and an important man in the district, to a meeting of Lords that was to discuss their differences with the King. Because of his anger and foul mood due to the need to arrange for another horse, he successfully argued for an uprising against the King.
In the rebellion that followed many were killed, and there followed a period of poverty, famine and unrest. This rebellion, loss of life and suffering happened because a wood cutter’s wife forgot to salt her husband’s porridge.
The point of this story is to relate how little things can have a widespread effect. Rather like throwing a stone into a pond and seeing the ripples spread out and reach the shore. If we are young, middle aged or even retired we may feel that there is little we can do, or want to do, that will greatly affect others. This is untrue. Every action, every good deed, every performed service, every outreach, has an effect on someone, somewhere. We are God’s hands and feet – have you used yours today?
I know of a mother who became so involved and busy that one evening she failed to clean the shoes and prepare the clothes for her three young children ready for school the next day. The day started badly and in a rush. The children went to school in tears. Mother and father went to work in an unhappy mood. It was a bad day for the whole family and no doubt for those who worked alongside the parents.
And all because……
Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.
Pastor Ron w4w2@bigpond.com