Several months ago when I was going through a very discouraging time, something happened that really opened my eyes to life’s meaning.
I had been having a particularly difficult time and hardships seemed to be piled up all around me. Physically, I was having some nagging health problems. I was so behind in my work that I felt like I could never catch up. Mentally and emotionally I was stressed out. It was just so overwhelming and I finally broke down in tears one evening.
My wife, Paula, found me in my office and obviously was concerned. I shared my heart with her. She gave me some wise counsel, to which I replied, “Just look at my office. Even it’s a mess with stuff cluttered everywhere.”
My office was somewhat symbolic of my life. Stuff was piled up everywhere and was crowding me out.
I went to bed that night feeling slightly better after our talk, but still discouraged over a lot of things. Until morning came… When I got up the following morning, I walked into my office. It was spotless! I’m not sure if Paula stayed up late or got up early, but she had completely uncluttered my office.
And, in doing so, she had uncluttered my life.
Although she likely didn’t know it at the time, when she dismantled the mounds of stuff that were piled up around me in my office, she also removed all of the stuff that was piled up inside of me.
My outlook, attitude, confidence and, yes, even physical health, immediately improved.
That one practical, thoughtful outpouring of love changed my life.
People for centuries have pondered over the “meaning of life”.
What’s it all about?
Why am I here?
What’s my purpose?
Well, listen up ye searchers, because after seeing my office cleaned and realizing the difference it made in my life, I’ve found the answer.
Near as I can figure, it’s all about “love”.
We are here to love. In the 22nd chapter of Matthew, we find a lawyer approaching Jesus with a question, “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” (v36).
And what was our Savior’s response?“ Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (v36-40)
We are here to love.
Firstly, to love God.
Secondly, to love each other.
If we would simply love, everything else would answer itself.
Love sent the Savior to die for our sins. Love motivated Paul to endure hardship for the cause of Christ. And love compels you and I to get involved in the lives of others and minister to them in the name of Jesus.
Love takes action.
And in the practicality of uncluttering offices, it can change lives.
Jimmy Brown jimmy@Living4Jesus.com