Parlee Beach Provincial Park. Famous for its warm, crystal clear waters and fine, balmy sand. In fact, Parlee Beach is known for being the warmest Atlantic beach north of South Carolina! Not bad for a beach off the northern coast of New Brunswick! And we were enjoying it thoroughly along with thousands of others, I might add! We hadn’t seen a beach this crowded in a very long time! And why not? The day was perfect, the sun shone hot, and the water was indeed warm and clear!
While my boys enjoyed themselves at the water’s edge, I lay down on that balmy sand, closed my eyes, and just took pleasure in listening to the sound of the Acadian French that was being spoken all around. I felt like I was back in Europe! What a perfect day!
Suddenly everyone began to point up into the sky and talk about kites! Strange. We had seen a sign stating that kites and alcohol weren’t allowed on the beach-as if the two were somehow connected! But sure enough, when I pried my eyes back open and came back to reality, the sky was filled with unique kites. There didn’t seem to be anyone ON the beach who was actually FLYING the kites, however, and we later discovered that the kites were being flown just outside of the beach area.
The kites were huge and colorful. There were a two lobster kites, a dragon kite, numerous bird kites, and hundreds of others; but what fascinated me the most were the plane kites. One of the kite flyers was in control of about twenty of these, all attached together in a long string. He seemed to be getting pleasure from making these dip and climb in perfect unison, even passing so close to our faces that we could feel the caresses of their long tails as they soared into the heights.
Another kite flyer was controlling three separate planes. He had one kite string in one hand, one in the other, and the third attached to his belt. He flew each of these independently, each in its own direction, sometimes passing one so close to another that we were sure there would be a mid-air “kite-plane” crash. There never was, though. The kite flyer had them in perfect control.
We had turned our attention to other kites and their flyers when my wife noticed that one of this man’s kites was on the ground. “Crashed”, we figured. “He took one too many chances! After all, who could keep up THAT kind of kite flying for long!” And as we watched, we could see that a second of his planes was about to “crash”. It didn’t though. The flyer brought it expertly down, hovering it just above the ground until its widest part was facing the ground exactly parallel to the one already down! His kites were not crashing! They were being landed!
It was clear that these were experienced kite flyers. No novice like me would be able to fly three kites at once, without utter catastrophe. It had probably taken them years to be able to do so, but these guys obviously had come to know the power of the wind personally, and they knew how to make it control their kites without a bobble.
We later found out that there would be an annual kite competition the upcoming weekend in Dieppe, drawing expert kite flyers from all corners of the world. The ones we were watching were obviously out practicing for the competition!
We are encouraged to experience the “power of wind” as well. Maybe not in the same way as these expert kite flyers, but the wind just the same. How? Through God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit is often associated in the Bible with wind: “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8 NIV)
Wind is powerful. Although unseen, it can move ships, grind grain, cut wood, even produce electricity. Getting to know the wind has bestowed many blessings on the inhabitants of this world, and the same is true with God’s Spirit. Although unseen, we can experience Him personally in our lives. Thanks to Him, the impossible can become possible. Our life does not have to continue in a mess. A turn-around is possible if we let the Holy Spirit befriend us: “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12 NIV)
Why not invite Him in your life right now and experience His power in solving your impossible circumstances? He wants you to be his friend. “I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” (John 16:7 NIV); and “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” (2 Tim 1:7 NIV)
Just like nothing seemed impossible for those expert kite-flyers, nothing will be impossible to you if you trust God. Why? Because “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27 NIV)
Rob Chaffart