Hidden Talents

by | May 25, 2003 | Talents

Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (NIV)

My dad had an auto repair shop in Uddingston, near Glasgow, for many years and had to give it up when he was in his fifties. He was a workaholic, and it was going to kill him. He had also developed arthritis so badly that he could no longer work the tools.

He had enjoyed taking pictures for years, but didn’t realize he had a talent for this until he couldn’t do anything else. And what a talent! He had photographs printed in publications all over Scotland, several of which appeared in the Scot’s Pictorial Calendar. He was also President of the Scottish Photographic Society. Eventually, he became a studio photographer. I have many of those beautiful portraits on my walls. He also took up painting in water colours and oils when he was over 60 years old, and found he had an eye for that too. Unfortunately, he didn’t pass it along to me, but his great-granddaughter has acquired the artistic talent, and has a great appreciation for dad’s ability.

What a shame it would have been if he had ignored his talent. It took arthritis to slow him down so he could appreciate God’s gift to him, and for the past 30 years (he is now 93 years old), he has been pain-free, no sign of the disabling affliction in his once bent and painful fingers. You think God might have had His will there? I’m sure of it.

We all have talents, some more obvious than others. God wants us to use His gifts, not keep them hidden. We must look beyond our daily routine to discover the talents that lie within and be ready to use them in God’s service.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to recognize more of the talents that You have given us, and guide us to be better stewards of Your gifts. In the name of Your greatest gift to us, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lorna Meyer lordemyr@centurytel.net
Jordan, Arkansas, USA


Hidden Talents


