A Shelter From the Storm

by | May 24, 2003 | Protection, Shelter

The day before we left on our holidays we moved all of our birdcages to the basement. We were experiencing a drought in Ontario, and the weather patterns were ripe for thunderstorms. We were concerned that a power shortage might temporarily render our central air useless, and our birds might get too hot. Keeping them in the basement would help them to stay cool, even without air conditioning.

Though it seemed like such a good idea to us, the birds weren’t all that impressed. There was total silence as they watched their cages disappearing into the dark depths of the house.

A storm was just starting to brew as we got them all settled on the lower floor. We prayed that we would receive some long sought after rain for our yellowing lawns and the sickly-dry soy bean fields across the road.

Estrella, our sun conure hated thunder storms. She was terrified by them and her usual pattern was to hide in the darkest corner of her cage whenever the slightest sound of thunder could be heard. No one dared even put their hand in her cage during such times! But apparently today would be different. Somehow she snuck out of her cage (she was a Houdini kind of bird!), and the nine full-sized stair steps in front of her, each one towering above her head, didn’t even daunt her as she crawled her way up them, one at a time, until she finally arrived on the same floor as her beloved master.

I was working at the computer when I felt bird claws creeping over my feet and climbing my pant leg. It didn’t seem to matter that thunder was crashing all around us. She wouldn’t let even this deter her from reaching her goal: to be with her master. And there she sat, facing the storm unafraid, rubbing her head against my cheek. She felt safe in my presence. She knew I would take care of all of her problems.

We spend a great afternoon together. We played hide and seek, she chewed a few new holes in my undershirt, and she sat for hours as my colorful tie. How I now cherish this memory, for this would be my last time with her. The next day I left for New Brunswick with my family. Everyday I was away, she listened for my voice. Though the caregiver tried to invite her out of her cage, she wasn’t interested. She wanted her master and no one else. After two and a half weeks of not hearing me, her anxiety began to rise. Where was her master when she needed him the most? She waited another 4 days, then her heart broke with the disillusionment that her master had forgotten her, and she died.

My friend, when we take anyone or anything else beside Jesus as our Master of our lives, we will be disillusioned. Other people , and possibly other things, can grant us some temporary relief from the storms of our lives; however if we rely on these, we will soon discover that they won’t always be there for us when we need them the most. We will very quickly feel ourselves engulfed in the claws of a vicious storm without any hope in sight. Heartbroken, we will find ourselves completely abandoned.

There is only One who will always be there for us. No matter how we treat Him, He will always love us and try to reach out for us. Circumstances will never change His love. He promises us: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt 28:20 NIV)

His help is the best we can receive. No one but our Creator can get us out of our messes. Come to Him and let Him help you navigate through your troubles. Only then will you experience true peace and rest: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28-29 NIV)

There are thunderstorms in the forecast. Are you ready? Who will you run to?

Rob Chaffart


A Shelter From the Storm


