More than 10 years ago, I really believed that I had learned what it was to be faithful.
I would serve at all meetings faithfully within the small church of perhaps 20 I was attending. I had a long list of duties in which I was faithful – opening up, cleaning, tea and coffee, putting chairs out, projector up and away, washing up, closing up etc.
I would go on early morning prayer-walks before 6am, would attend each and every meeting, would use my lunch hour to study the bible each day and continue my studies at night.
I really thought I knew what it was to be faithful.
Then one morning I was out on a prayer-walk and criticized Peter (the disciple).
I said something like, “I can’t believe that Peter denied you three times LORD, I would never do that. I would do anything for you”.
I heard back, “Anything? Would you do anything?” “Yes Lord” I replied in my foolish pride.
He then showed me a children’s play area a few hundred yards ahead and said “Worship God there -circle that play park three times praising and dancing before God.”
I promised that I would.
I arrived and started (proudly I’m sure) to praise God and dance but as I finished the first circuit I saw an elderly lady walking her dog. I stopped and walked slowly away. When she had gone I returned and tried again, only to see another person walking their pet. I stopped again. Eventually I gave up as person after person started to appear. I had failed.
I then knew that I was still young, weak and naive in my faith and that I feared man and not God. Since then I have grown up in God and yet I am nothing, have nothing, and want nothing to boast of.
I now help to run a men’s group and I see people making the same mistakes I myself have made down the years. But now I do not boast but encourage. I bear with those who have weaknesses and try to lift each man higher than myself both in prayer and by encouraging.
I teach them to lift one another higher than themselves because if every man does that, who is the highest of the brothers?