I must have needed it because it lifted my spirits and I felt important. Not better than anyone else, but better than I thought I was. It wasn’t even such a big thing. It took little effort to do it, but it meant the world to me at that very moment.
Two or three times each week I stop in a local donut shop. Standing in a long line of sleepy, hurried people, I just blend in.
But not that day.
My regular routine is to pull into the parking lot, walk around the side of the building and get a newspaper. Then I head to the entrance and get in line.
Each time, as I make my way to the counter, my eyes dance across the donuts thinking “Oh, maybe I’ll have a glazed donut. No, maybe an éclair.” Then without even thinking, I always ask for an apple spice filled donut. Every time.
That day, after getting my paper, I entered the building to discover no one in line. Without time to consider my choices, I walked to the counter and said, “A small coffee with cream and sugar.”
“There you go!” The woman said.
It was ready and waiting for me. I didn’t have to ask. She remembered me and what I liked.
I stood there with this stupid look on my face that said “What just happened?”
I know I’m not awake, but did I already ask for this? Did I pay already?
“Apple spice filled donut?” She asked.
“Why, yes!”
“Are you Okay?” She asked.
“Yes, I am, but you make me feel so important!” I said.
“You are!” She confirmed.
I paid my bill and walking a little taller, I sat in my usual spot and really enjoyed that moment.
But wait, it didn’t stop there.
Later that afternoon, I went to my favorite specialty store to buy some Middle Eastern food. We absolutely love it and look forward to having it at least once a month.
When I walked in the door, the owner came around the corner and in his deep accent said, “Well, hello my friend, how are you? I am so happy to see you! You look wonderful!”
I was pleasantly surprised.
No, I was thrilled!
Twice in such ordinary moments, I felt so extraordinarily significant.
Sure, skeptics will say, “So what! They’re business people. They get paid to make customers feel important.”
There was something more to this. I felt God’s hand in all of this.
I was, in fact, struggling with issues in my life. Things bigger than I was, although not life threatening, were spirit crushing.
I believe God looked down and lifted my burdens enough for me to see the truth that in His eyes, I am important and everything will be just fine.
Be a spirit lifter today. Make someone feel important. It really doesn’t take much at all.
In case you didn’t know it, “You’re important, too!”
Bob Perks Bob@BobPerks.com