John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” NIV
(Why are shower experiences so powerful to me ((see The Unreliable Shower))?)
It was our last morning in Newfoundland. We were in a campground 23 kilometers from Port-aux-Basques (this is where we take the ferry back to the main land), and I awoke feeling refreshed and-ah-a bit smelly! A shower was DEFINITELY in the plan for the morning-that is if I wanted my family to associate with me!
As I prepared myself for the experience, I suddenly remembered that the campground we were staying at only offered coin-operated showers. Ugh. I had always avoided those in the past. But one more “sniff”, and I knew this would have to be the first!
It only took a few moments for me to adjust the water temperature, once I had inserted the coin. Beautiful! A hot shower can feel sooooo good! I rubbed the shampoo into my hair and soaped up the rest of my body. But just as I was getting ready to rinse myself off, the shower stopped from running! Now what? For the briefest of moments, I could see myself, completely covered with suds, running back to the tent trailer for more money. I could hear my wife asking: “How was your shower?” “Well . . .”
But fortunately, I had anticipated such behavior from a coin-operated shower, and I had an extra 50 cents with me! Once the shower started back up, I had to wait patiently again for the temperature to adjust itself. But finally the water was just perfect for rinsing myself off, when . . . Someone flushed a toilet! Brrrr…
As I didn’t have any other coins with me, I decided not to risk my time allotted water by waiting until it was warm again, and I quickly rinsed myself off with water that felt like it flowed in straight off the North pole.
The last 30 seconds of my shower were pleasant. Then the water stopped. Just in time, for I heard another shower go on next to mine. Was it time for me to flush the toilet?
Many people undergo much the same experience I did, except in different areas of their life. Showers of blessings are promised to them, and when they begin to show interest, price tags begin to spring up from unforeseen places.
“Salvation can be yours. Jesus paid the price for you. Are you interested?”
“Well, here are the rules you need to abide by…”
“But I thought salvation was free.”
“Sure it is free. So keep these rules and don’t forget to pay your tithes and offerings.” (Interestingly, John 3:16 does not say “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever pays his tithes and offerings and abide by manmade rules shall not perish but have eternal life.”)
Why do we offer coin-operated cold showers to those who hunger for showers of blessings? Why do we like to be toilet flushers instead of Good News announcers? Salvation is not based on works, but on what Jesus did for us. It is free to anyone! If behavior needs to be changed, it is the job of God’s Spirit to do the persuading, not OUR job!
Our role as Christians is to proclaim the Good News to anyone for free and to lead a life led by God’s Spirit and God’s Word. Shouldn’t we be the ones inviting others to Jesus free of charge? Didn’t He promise: Matt 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’ NIV
He is the answer, not us!
Remember; don’t flush while someone is taking a shower, especially if it is a shower from the Lord!
Rob Chaffart