Fair-Weather Friend

by | May 28, 2001 | Friendship

I’m a “fair weather friend.”

I never realized it before, but it’s true.

Maybe you’re a fair weather friend, too.

The holiday weekend celebrating our Independence Day here in the U.S., is approaching. As I was watching the weather forecast on one of our local channels they reported rain on July 4th.

“No, it can’t rain!” I shouted at the television.

“Let’s see what the other weather person is reporting.” I said.

I waited a few minutes and finally they reported that there was a slight chance of a shower, but not to change our plans for July 4th.

“I like his report better. That other guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” I heard myself say.

Then it hit me. I was a fair weather friend. Whoever offered the best weather was my friend for that day. I’m sure I’ve done it many times before. I search for what I want to hear. I keep changing the channel until I find someone who gives the best report.

Here’s the worst part.

I do the same thing with God.

I go to Him for guidance, some word, some sign of what I should do with my life and when He doesn’t say what I want to hear, I change the channel. I declare “I didn’t get an answer from Him. I guess this isn’t important enough.”

Or “That can’t be right. I guess I’m just not in tune with Him.”

Worse yet, I might listen to another voice, one which will take me in the opposite direction of where God wanted me to go.

I can see now how I’ve done that with the people who love me, too. When I am struggling with things in my life I turn to them for their input. If they don’t say what I want to hear I “change the channel.”

The real lesson here is to realize that I can’t do a thing to change the weather. BUT…I can do everything to change my life if I’d only listen to my Friend. The Friend who is always there through the fair and stormy weather.

I hope the weather is beautiful where you are. If not, I think it’s fair to say God knows you are beautiful anyway.

Bob Perks Bob@BobPerks.com


Fair-Weather Friend


