Having literally “left all” to serve Christ (Mk.10:28), I had grown in faith as the Lord discipled me through a holy and consecrated soul winner (Bob). We worked with a small dedicated Baptist church in prayer, house to house and public evangelism, as well as children’s bus ministry. And as the Lord moved us more into public ministry in Boston, we found an open door to witness not only in the streets, but also in the subway system (that has changed much since 9-11-01).
But after a few intense years there, it seemed like most everybody had seen us, and we were prayerfully directed by the Lord of the Harvest to Logan airport in the winter of 1994 (we received permits to do so). Sometimes I would go there after working the subways, as there were often late flights, and I liked to stay up late. And it was there, the next year, that the Lord spoke to Bob’s heart to go after the souls in Florida, which flights were constantly on the flight monitors. So we made our prayer to God concerning this, though to be honest, I did not entertain any real expectations of such becoming a reality. Besides, you really can’t get there on subway fare! But not long after, on a stormy night, I found myself in the airport late at night, holding forth the Word of Life to the hundreds of souls arriving on delayed flights.
After the morning rush, I went seek to the Lord as usual for strength, and direction, etc., for that day, debating whether I should go home. As I did so, I could find no sense no confirmation from the Lord as to where I should go, but was instead strongly impressed by the Holy Spirit not to leave until He gave me release. I will not tell you where I was, except that it was in the “E” Terminal.
After about 20 minutes of continued semi-wrestling, I realized a release in my spirit that I had known before in similar cases, and went out and worked my way over to the far escalator, offering gospel tracts to the people on the outer ring of the restaurants, There were no takers, till I came to women with two children sitting at the last table in the last restaurant. She smiled and with a German accent responded that she was a Pentecostal Christian, and that they were on their way to Orlando Florida, but that their flight had been delayed for 4 unexplained hours. Hearing and seeing the word Florida did not surprise me, as it seemed we were constantly seeing that name stick out to us above all others. So perhaps by that time I was beginning to think there was something to this Florida thing, because I said we were praying about going there, and joked that I would love to jump into their suitcase, and with that I quickly said good-bye and left.
Halfway down the elevator, I stopped to get an overview of the situation, and again to check on the Lord’s direction, and saw that Bob had showed up. Just after I called out to him, I heard a voice saying “Excuse me,” and turned to see a very tall man. He said, “I heard that you would like to go to Florida.” I knew that something was up by this time, and simply responded, “Well, that would be an answered prayer.” He then asked, “Do you know how much it would cost?” I was taken a back by such a question, but answered “200 dollars, I guess,” as I remembered seeing airfares for that much for one person (though we couldn’t fly with all the tracts, etc., we would have to take). With that held out his hand as if he wanted to shake my hand, realized he had money in it which he pressed into my hand. It looked like 100 dollars (!), I said “Are you serious?” He looked at me seriously and said, “God wants you to go to Florida,” and quickly left.
When I saw Bob, I told him “i think someone just gave us 100 dollars to go to Florida,” and Bob said something like that settles it, we’ll have to go. It wasn’t till the next morning that I found out it was 200 dollars, and shortly thereafter the Lord allowed circumstances that also seemed to dictate that we should go, and we left on Jan. 3rd (after having a very good outreach to the 500,00 souls New Year’s Eve here) in a borrowed van (another story) with 40,000 tracts.* And amid some hardships to the flesh, as we went forth, the Lord definitely worked with us, with abundant providential signs confirming, so much so that I could be here for days trying to chronicle such. (And now that the Lord has me in for a while for holy purposes, perhaps I should). Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen (Ps 72:19).
*(By the Lord’s grace and mercy we were able to pass out 100,000 more in 3 months).
(Received on January 3, 2002)
Author Unknown