Tonight was quite an experience!
My 3 y/o daughter starting vomiting about 3 o’clock this afternoon. It started while on the way to the bank about ½ mile into our journey and all over the backseat of my truck! So I returned home and watched, as she became sicker and sicker. After 4 hours of vomiting endlessly, Meghan became seriously dehydrated and began to shake uncontrollably. This is where I realized that I had to seek medical treatment.
I put Meghan in her heaviest coat (she was shivering uncontrollably), grabbed her bucket and an old towel and loaded her in the back of Amie’s car (Amie, by the way is at work and took my truck because her car was out-of-gas) and we started on our way. Well, you guessed it, the car started to sputter and just about at the same moment, Meghan began to do her thing again. So here I am, driving, praying that I make it to the gas station, holding a bucket under Meghan’s chin. I coasted into the gas station still holding the bucker under her chin.
So after gassing up, I’m a little on edge…… And off we go to the clinic. I enter with Meghan in one arm, the bucket and towel in the other, only to find 75 people in the clinic ahead of me. I walk up to the counter and an inadequately trained young lady who didn’t appear old enough to drive hands me a little slip of paper and tells me to fill it out. I say to her, my hands are a little full and I give her my daughters name… after all, she is in the system…. Well, my “new” friend informs me that she can’t do anything without the little slip of paper being filled out. So I set Meghan down on the counter, put the bucket on the floor and I fill out the paper. My new friend informs me that she can’t read my writing. So I give her the name…. Again! Next, she informs me that Meghan is not in the system and that I need to go down the hall two doors to registration.
Ok friends! You got me! At this point I was very much NOT in the spirit nor did I possess ANY of the fruits…. Nevertheless, I calmly informed my new friend that she IS in the system and that she needed to pay a little more attention to her work. Finally, she finds her and informs me that Meghan will not be triaged for at least an hour. I impatiently informed her that Meghan was too sick to wait an hour to be triaged and that the whole POINT of triage was to determine who could wait and who couldn’t. To which she blankly stared at me and repeated that it would be an hour before she would be triaged…… and that will be $20 please.
So, I left for the ER across the street only to find the road to the entrance torn up and the parking lot full…. I could see the triage area packed with people… I knew that there wasn’t anyway that I was going to get any help for Meghan any time soon. Frustrated, irritated, stressed, upset and frightened are just a few words that applied.
So then I prayed… Lord, I need your help. And the Lord spoke to me and said take her home I have healed her.
Praise the Lord! When we got home, Meghan asked for water and didn’t stop drinking until she had drank a quart. She laid down and went to sleep. She has been sleeping peacefully ever since.
My friends… God takes care of His children!
I would like to encourage you to answer our Saviour’s Call!
“Look, the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36). He is the One who “will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
With a great shout we proclaim; out loud, unified and in faith that…
“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen” Galatians 1:3-5
God bless,
Duane (Received on Saturday February 9, 2002)