Standing on the Testimony of God

by | Jun 3, 1999 | Poem, Testimony

My pathways may be so rugged, I fear not I’ll fail.
I’m standing on the testimony of God.
A swamp has entrapped me in its sludge, no trail.
My foot must bear my weight, bare and unshod.

Disbelief overshadows my silhouetted body, fails to curb my mind.
I’m standing on the testimony of hope.
Sickness has its hold on me. its torture defined.
The Lord reaches out, I’m bound in his rope.

Hurt has targeted me. threatening to spread its herbs of bittersweet.
I’m standing on the testimony of his love.
Others try to break my faith down and spread by deceit.
His grace is my bounty, my healing glove.

My pathways may be so rugged, I fear not I’ll fail.
I’m standing on the testimony of God.
A swamp has entrapped me in its sludge, no trail.
My foot must bear my weight, bare and unshod.

Poet Dorothy Copyrighted 2000


Standing on the Testimony of God


