Idols for Judgment

by | Jun 3, 1999 | Judgment, Poem

Every once in awhile, something really good comes along;
A person, a poem, or a really dynamic song.
Every once in awhile, something touches our heart;
A smile, a glow, or a brand new start.

Every once in awhile, a truth comes along;
With an evident reality that is overwhelmingly strong.
Our spirit, inside, tells us how to feel;
How to start a new life and spiritually heal.

Every once in awhile, someone comes along
And, in our lives, we know that they belong.
Every once in awhile, someone comes, meaning nothing but good …
Didn’t come to condemn, but to save if He could.

We run to a Batman, a Superman, and more;
Can’t wait to buy them when they are put in the store …
To fly through the air, with super human reach …
to climb up the walls, great heights they will breach.

We will turn from the truth, when it looks in our face,
and pick up our idols to finish our race.
Oh, what a price, someday, we will pay
For the idols of man; red, blue, and gray.

The truth He has spoken, through Him is the way.
The time, it grows closer, for the coming of the Son;
everyone will pay for the race we have run.
But, all of the good things, we turn away;
our failure to love and failure to pray.

Soon, the sky will burst open and an angel will say,
“Good morning, my friend.  It’s Judgement day!”

  © 2001 by Rev. Gary Hall


Idols for Judgment


