s a girl I always loved the homecoming parades, the bonfires, and the spirit of celebration it brought with it. Every girl awed at the majesty of the homecoming queen.
My friend Sandy was recently shown the affections of a loving God, as He ushered her 19 year old daughter to His presence after a battle with osteosarcoma (a rare cancer.) He gave her the knowledge that her daughter was being received into Heaven with a Homecoming celebration.
Before Sandy went to check on Lisa that day, she was drawn to the window where she viewed the commotion of Police cars . She thought to herself that there must have been a horrific accident. Turning to her daughter’s bedside, she was grieved to witness her daughter’s last breath. What she would find out next was quite profound. . .
Several minutes later the Hospice Nurse arrived, explaining that she was tied up in traffic due to the roads being blocked by a Homecoming parade. Sandy’s thoughts went to God as she thought how appropriate that He would allow her to receive knowledge of the event taking place that moment – a Homecoming parade, reflecting her daughter’s Homecoming welcome into His Heavenly gates.
Later that night she heard in the distance the fireworks display for the Homecoming celebration; she felt in her spirit that the angels were rejoicing in her daughter’s Homecoming and that it was God’s specific way of comforting her own weakened soul.
As Sandy made the funeral arrangements she received further confirmation. She was leafing through the memorial cards, striving to make the right selection, but nothing seemed to fit. The funeral director shared with her that he had recently buried his mother. Sandy asked him, what card he had used. He promptly pulled out of his wallet a card which read “The Homecoming.”
It is a comfort to receive a Saviour that has a bigger plan than the one that meets our eyes. He has given us a glimpse of His Heavenly purpose in all of our earthly activities. I am encouraged by my friends story – how Christ our King, welcomed her daughter into heaven, as a Homecoming queen!
Annettee Budzban copyright 2002 AHRTWrites2U@aol.com
Written as a tribute to Lisa Wawczak who went to her homecoming Oct.11th 2002. Please feel free to e-mail comments or condolences on this testimony to Lisa’s mother at go2sandy@attbi.com You can find Annettee’s other stories on 2TheHeart: www.2theheart.com/archives