In the Midst of the Storm

by | Jun 1, 1999 | Blessing, Comfort, God's Hands, Trials

The rain was pounding the roof of our little store as I sat at the cash register looking outside, hoping a customer would come in and help snap me out of the gloomy mood I was in that dreary morning. I had an eerie feeling being there alone with it looking so dark and threatening outside in the middle of the day.

I shuddered as a gust of wind caused the rain to blow into the store through the swinging glass door, and I quickly grabbed a broom to sweep the water away. “The wind is really picking up,” I thought to myself as I looked across the street from our store and viewed some clothes and debris flying up in the air, presumably from someone’s clothesline.

As I gazed out the window, it grew even darker and more foggy. The rain was still pounding the door, and I knew there would not be anyone out and about in that horrid weather unless it was a necessity! By now I could barely see the gasoline pumps for the rain and fog!

When the rain finally subsided, a vehicle drove up, and one of our sales reps ran in saying, “Are you ok? I saw the funnel cloud as I was driving into town.” I looked at him with widened eyes and exclaimed, “Funnel cloud?” I had lived through tornadoes before, for they are prevalent in our region of the country. I had heard their thunderous sounds, had witnessed the roaring dark funnel, and had seen their path of destruction in our own yard when I was a child, and this was nothing like that!

“I saw the twister when I was coming into town and I could tell it had touched down,” he said. I was astounded and speechless. That helped explain the clothes I had seen floating in the air!!

That night a friend in North Carolina called to see if we were ok, for they had seen a clip on CNN about the storm and heard it was our small town that had been hit. I was amazed it made national news, for although it’s true the storm had come through and some roofs had been damaged, a few trees uprooted, and one abandoned house demolished, there had been no serious damage or injuries. But the biggest shock for me was to know I had been “in” the storm and did not even recognize it as a tornado.

This story about me being too close to the storm to see what it really had turned out to be was a perfect illustration to me of how it is hard to see the “shape of things” when you’re in the midst of the storm, both weather-wise and in daily life. I could not see that it was a twister, because it was right there upon me! How and why it did not bring any severe damage to our store’s property I do not know, but I know I did receive a clear lesson through it all.

Since that time, many changes in my life and the lives of my loved ones have taken place. I have been through several fierce personal storms of my own, as we all endure from time to time. During the worst of those times, it sometimes seemed impossible for me to imagine a positive outcome from something so personally tragic or terrible. Yet I learned lessons and “grew” from each ordeal, and with faith I could see a positive outcome coming from the bad things that had taken place.

There have been several opportunities for me to help bring motivation and encouragement to others since that time, and I have shared my “midst of the storm – shape of things” theory. My faith has DEFINITELY grown, and I now look at “storms” in life as positive things. They mold us and shape us and there is a purpose in each one, even at its worst. The Bible tells us, “And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God…” (Romans 8:28 KJV) As Christians, even in the worst of times, we must keep the faith and trust that things will work according to God’s plan. Even when we are in “the midst of the storm” and cannot see “the shape of things” to come, we can take comfort that everything will work out according to God’s will and for the “best.” Storms are not a threat to me anymore with the strength I draw from the One who is in charge.

Rita Spillers copyright 2003

Rita Spillers is part of the 2theheart family of writers. You can view some of her other stories in the archives, including “Letting Go,” “The Man I Love,” and “My World Just Gets Smaller.” She believes in motivation and is a woman of strong faith. A professional keyboard musician by trade, she is married (almost 34 years) to her sweet husband Jim, and is the mother of two married children, and “MeMe” to two with another grandchild “on the way.” You can visit Rita’s family web page at or hear clips of her gospel CD at


In the Midst of the Storm


