Provinces in northern China have not received much rain for five years. Members of a missions agency recently toured the area with a Chinese pastor and several government officials, DAWN FridayFax (see ) said. Many officials of the provincial and state governments have visited the region, but have been unable to help.
. . .”Can your God make it rain in the next 20 days?” One of the officials asked the pastor, FridayFax said. When the pastor said yes, the official told him to begin praying. “If it rains in the next 20 days, we will know that it was your God who did it,” he said. A heavy rain came 12 days later. “Now we believe that your God really answers prayer,” the official said.
Author unknown. If anyone has a proprietary interest in this story please authenticate and I will be happy to credit, or remove, as the circumstances dictate.
Thanks to WITandWISDOM(tm) – December 2, 1999