The Hummingbird

by | Jun 9, 1998 | Complacency, Love

“How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord [Jesus], was confirmed to us by those who heard him.” Hebrews 2:3 (NIV)

On Sunday I was having lunch in a restaurant where a humming bird had flown in through an open door and couldn’t find its way out. It flew to the highest window and was frantically trying to escape through the glass. The more it tried-and obviously failed-the harder it worked at doing the same thing.

Little did it realize that a very simple way of escape lay one yard/meter below it–through the open door. It could see quite well but was trapped by its own blindness to the way of escape.

Fortunately one of the staff was able to climb on a ladder, caught the bird in a box and set it free. We all felt so good about it’s rescue that we applauded.

But how many people in today’s world are struggling in a vain attempt to save themselves-spiritually-and are also trapped by their own blindness to the way of escape God has provided for their total and free salvation?

Would that we Christians would care about these lost souls all around us as much as the patrons cared about a “lost” bird in a restaurant.

By Dick Innes, Daily Encounter . Used by permission.


The Hummingbird


