
by | Jun 9, 1998 | Discipling, Truth

A few years ago, I had to buy a new refrigerator. My wife and I went shopping to find the largest one we could afford. With children, I wanted one with a lock or voice password. My wife didn’t think we needed the icemaker, but I did. So, for about $70 more I had them add the icemaker. Many men have almost given up their faith trying to keep icemakers working.

My icemaker quits making ice if it gets too full. There is an arm that needs to swing out and come back in order for the next batch to be processed. So, if it gets caught on too much ice, it will not proceed making more. If it did, you’d come back from vacation and open the door and release an avalanche.

It is rare in our refrigerator to see too much ice, simply because we use a lot. However, people who do not use a lot of ice find that the ice on the bottom isn’t fresh and sticks together.

Spiritually, we need to constantly be using what we learn from God’s Word. Tomorrow’s feeding will not mean much if you were not able to use today’s. Are you spiritually full? Then begin to share your delight in God with others! The more we share what we are given, the more we are given to share!

Dear Lord, thank You for constantly feeding me new truths from Your word. I pray that I may continually share Your fresh truths with others.

In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

David Burns




