The other day I was traveling home with Sheri and a few of our children. We were in the country and noticed a young boy on the road and his bike was near him. He was sitting but he still looked distressed. We stopped and my oldest daughter, Jennifer, went do him and sweetly asked him questions to see if he was okay. It turned out that he was just hot and thirsty and had biked beyond his limit.
He asked for water. My wife had half a bottle of water with her. But I remembered a full bottle in the trunk. I hopped out, popped the trunk and gave him the water. Pretty soon he was refreshed and on his feet. That’s what love does. Love helps people on their feet by refreshing them. “Love does no harm to its neighbours.”
How many people will you encounter today who are starving for a smile or a word of thanks or some other encouragement? Look in the trunk of your mind and heart. Maybe you have a smile or word of refreshment for them. Stop being the one who always wants others to give to you.
Application: Today, refresh someone with your special loving touch. God has gifted you. Use that gift today to refresh someone else. Others need it–they are parched.
Thanks to David Burns Fresh Wind Ministries